KS4 Core PE

In Years 10 and 11, PE students follow eight week modules encompassing areas from the national curriculum. They have two, one hour lessons.

The first lesson is fixed lesson where they are taught in three groups, boys, girls and a mixed group. The second hour is an option where they have a choice of what activity they would like to do in the eight weeks.

These include games, athletics, fitness, trampolining, rounders, badminton and volleyball students are expected to improve their awareness of health, fitness and to take responsibility for developing their own fitness level. Students will continue to improve their skills develop their use of tactics and take on the role of officiator.

Fixed Lesson

Block/Group 1 2 3 4 5
Boys Group Rugby Football Hockey Athletics Tennis
Girls Group Netball Hockey Dance Athletics Rounders
Mixed Group Hockey Badminton Fitness Rounders Trampolining

Options Lesson

Year 10

Block/Group 1 2 3 4 5
Group 1 Level 2 Sport Level 2 Sport Level 2 Sport Level 2 Sport Level 2 Sport
Group 2 Football Trampolining Badminton Rounders Rounders
Group 3 Hockey Rugby Tennis Cricket Tennis
Group 4 Tennis Tennis Football Tennis Golf

Year 11

Block/Group 1 2 3 4
Group 1 Football Rugby Hockey Cricket
Group 2 Hockey Trampolining Badminton Rounders
Group 3 Badminton Volleyball Dance Golf
Group 4 Tennis Tennis Football Tennis