Why choose A Level Physical Education?
Open up the world of sport – This course encourages students to immerse themselves in the world of sports and PE with the chance to perform or coach a sport (through the non-exam assessment component), and delve into the how and why of physical activity and sport.
An excellent platform – Students receive a well-rounded and full introduction to the world of PE, sport and sports science. This complete grounding in the subject provides a fantastic base from which to build when they move on to higher education, employment or further training.
Skills for the modern world – Students can develop a range of practical skills, including communication using appropriate language, dealing with pressure, split second decision-making, analysing and evaluating performance, and more.
Course overview
Physical Education at A Level is a rich, well-rounded subject with a blend of theoretical concepts, interesting topical elements and a range of practical opportunities. The A Level course is divided into three main components of study.
The first is Physiological Factors Affecting Performance where students will examine the science behind sport and performance, looking at applied anatomy, exercise physiology and biomechanics. These scientific aspects of sport are integral in modern-day sport and with the use of performance analysis and technology, pupils will be able to experience this side of sport for themselves.
The second component of study is Psychological Factors Affecting Performance. Here, students will explore the inner working for the human mind and take a close look how and why the psychological aspects of sport and performance are so vitally important. They will look at different theories surrounding a number of issues in this area and analyse them in order to form valid opinions which they can argue using evidence.
Finally, students will focus on the Socio-Cultural Issues in Physical Activity and Sport where they look at real-life issues surrounding participation in sport such as ethnicity, gender and disability. Furthermore, students have the opportunity to study the history of sport, particularly looking at how the influence of sport has changed over generations.
There is also a Non-Examination Assessment involved in the course where students are credited for their sporting performance or coaching ability. This is followed by performance analysis coursework aspect where they evaluate their performance and devise strategies for how to improve based on their academic understanding from other components of the A Level.
Where can A Level PE take me?
A Level Physical Education is a very diverse subject which incorporates elements from a range of different academic subjects. There is scientific links between biology and physics, historical links when students look at the history of sport, links with sociology and psychology and connections with media studies and business. This highlights how A Level PE relates to many subjects and teaches valuable transferable skills meaning PE will fit into a student’s academic life exceptionally well, no matter what other subjects they may have chosen. A Level Physical Education can lead to careers in Sports Coaching, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Teaching, Performance Analysis, Personal Training, Sports Development, Sports Journalism and many more.
A Level Physical Education Specification Breakdown
The A Level Physical Education specification is divided into four components. Each component is further sub-divided into topic areas and detailed content associated with those topics.
Components 1-3 are assessed via written examination papers. Component 4 is a non-examination assessment, and is internally assessed and externally moderated. The 3 written papers are designed in to manageable bite-size chunks.
Topic | Marks | Duration | Weighting | |
Component 1 | Physiological Factors Affecting Performance
90 | 2 Hours | 30% of total A Level |
Component 2 | Physcological Factors Affecting Performance
60 | 1 Hour | 20% of total A Level |
Component 3 | Socio-cultural Issues in Physical Activity and Sport
60 | 1 Hour | 20% of total A Level |
Component 4 | Performance in Physical Education
60 | NEA | 30% of total A Level |