Kirkby Stephen Grammar School offers impartial careers advice and makes it available to all students. Advice is focussed on areas and times in which we as a school believe it is vital and most likely to be beneficial.
These key decision points are option choices of GCSEs in Year 9 moving into Year 10 with the re-introduction of the Year 9 outward bound residential building on skills and attitude to learning. Focus is also placed on the choice of KS5 pathways as students move beyond GCSEs.
Students gain an understanding of careers options and develop careers related skills such as CV and cover letter writing through Personal Development lessons in Year 10, in which pupils seek a work placement that they undertake in Year 10 as their work experience. Also in Year 11 pupils experience a mock interview with skills in public speaking and interview techniques, again supported through PD lessons.
Years 9, 10 and 11 pupils have regular Careers Assemblies with talks from a range of colleges, apprenticeship providers and motivational speakers. In Sixth Form, support is given for university, college and apprenticeship applications. Further information is available from the careers advisor and form tutors/subject teachers.
The school hosts a very successful, annual careers fair with colleges, universities, apprenticeship providers and local/international businesses all in attendance. Pupils and parents have given outstanding feedback and praise for this inspiring careers event which is growing in strength year after year.
We are looking to introduce a regular lunchtime Careers Events with professionals and ex Kirkby Stephen students who have moved into the world of work. We hope that students will look forward to finding out about past pupil’s experiences and the possibilities and opportunities available to them.
As a forward thinking school we are always looking for help and advice to motivate our students and inspire their future career ambitions. If you would like to get involved please contact Mrs Sarah Bell at or telephone on 017683 71693