What is Sociology?
Imagine you have a decision to make. Think of all the people or organisations that might influence your decision, e.g. FAMILY, FRIENDS, TEACHERS, MEDIA and LAWS. Now think of all the divisions in society that might mean you are more or less likely to succeed than others, e.g. GENDER, CLASS, ETHNICITY, WEALTH and ABILITY.
Sociologists study all of these influences and ask why different groups of people have such different life chances. We ask questions like: “Why do girls do better in school than boys?” “Why do more women start divorce proceedings than men?” “Why are poor people less likely to go to university?” “Are we all being brainwashed by the media?” “Why are black people over-represented in prisons?”
What Will I Study?
We follow the AQA syllabus and study the topics of Family and Households, Education with Theory and Methods, Mass Media and Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods. You will sit three exams in Year 13.
What Qualifications and Qualities do I Need to Study Sociology?
You should have a good range of GCSE results with five passes at Grade 4 or above. Additionally you need to have an open and enquiring mind and be interested in the world around you. You must also be prepared to work hard, take part in class discussions and use your initiative.
How Could I Use my Sociology Qualification in the Future?
You will find Sociology useful if you are interested in working in any of the following areas: police force and legal profession, health and social care professions, education, journalism, running your own business, customer services or any job that involves working with people.
Sociology will be well regarded by the universities you apply to. This is because admissions tutors know you will be able to apply your knowledge to many curriculum areas and that you will have developed the skills of analysis, evaluation and interpretation.
Of course, Sociology is also useful for anyone who lives in a family, watches tv or who wants to understand how the world around them works – almost everyone!
Should I Choose to Study Sociology at KSGS?
Sociology is always a popular option. It is a social science so it fits well with any of the courses on offer. Exams results are among the best in the school and more importantly the best in the country.
For many years KSGS Sociology results have been in the top 10% nationally and the subject at KSGS is often rated as significantly above average in government league tables. If you are interested and prepared to work hard, you will do well if you choose Sociology at KSGS!
For more information, contact Cath Butterworth, subject leader.