Christian Head, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria, CA17 4HA

017683 71693

Kirkby Stephen Grammar School

A Co-operative Academy

Year 7 Personal Development (PD)

Personal Development at Kirkby Stephen Grammar School incorporates the subject areas of Citizenship, PHSEE, RE and Careers Education. Students are taught in mixed ability groups and receive two lessons per fortnight. The modular based course builds over three years (Yr7 to Yr9) to equip the students with the necessary skills and knowledge to begin to play their roles as young adults in the community.

Year 7 Personal Development Curriculum- Citizenship


  • Rights and responsibilities – including: What are my responsibilities to myself and others? Concept of Rules and why we have them, Decision making in school and the role of the school council, Children’s rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
  • Individuals can make a positive difference & practical Volunteering project.
  • Local Government and Local Action- including: The work of a local councillor, Town Planning – considering needs and ‘Design a new town activity’, Pressure groups and ways to initiate change, Student survey- strengths and weaknesses of living in their local area, Letter to local councillors identifying problems and suggesting solutions.
  • Animal rights- including: RSPCA’s five freedoms & laws, looking at the pros and cons of Animals in zoos, circus and aquariums, ‘From farm to fork’ and Animal testing

Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education (PSHEE)

  • Healthy living & wellbeing – including: Puberty, personal hygiene, exercise, diet, dental hygiene, anti-smoking and promoting positive mental health 
  • Managing social relationships – including: Transition to secondary school, developing positive interactions within social situations, forming Positive FRIENDSHIPS, Anti-Bullying, Self Esteem and resilience building,
  • Safe Communication online- Key terms and definitions, ‘Sexting’ and what is a ‘digital footprint’?

Religious Education (RE)

  • Faith in My Community’ – Introduction to the 6 major world religions including: Founders, symbols, leaders and places of worship.
  • Theists, Atheists and Agnostics
  • Moral codes and the 10 commandments
  • What was the Holocaust? And pre- war Jewish life

Assessment arrangements

A formally assessed piece of work is marked on the 1-9 grade scale at the end of most topics. Students are given summative and formative feedback. For certain topics however, a formal assessment is not appropriate. Here an alternative way of measuring progress will be used- for example a quiz or other written/verbal knowledge check. In addition, regular self-review, peer review and informal feedback from teachers occurs.

Contact for further information - Mrs Sarah Bell