Christian Head, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria, CA17 4HA

017683 71693

Kirkby Stephen Grammar School

A Co-operative Academy

Year 9 Personal Development (PD)

Personal Development at Kirkby Stephen Grammar School incorporates the subject areas of Citizenship, PHSEE, RE and Careers Education. Students are taught in mixed ability groups and receive two lessons per fortnight. The modular based course builds over three years (Yr7 to Yr9) to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to begin to play their roles as young adults in the community.

Year 9 Personal Development Curriculum- Citizenship

  • The Media- Including: What is the media? Recognising Fake News, difference between tabloid & broadsheet newspapers, media ‘bias’, censorship, freedom of speech and celebrity right to privacy, Managing Online stress- social media and FOMO (fear of missing out), body image and the media, Proud to be Me body confidence and self-esteem.

Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education (PSHEE)

  • CEIAG – Preparation for options and the world of work- including: identification of personal skills & qualities, job families, choosing GCSE options, CV writing and letters of application.
  • Relationships and sex education (RSE) – including: Key words and definitions, Sex and the law & Consent, methods of contraception (with condom demonstration), STI’s and where to get advice, Impact of viewing harmful online content such as pornography, Recognising Factors that lead to healthy intimate relationships.
  • Health and Wellbeing- including: Illegal drugs- recap cannabis then wider research- including cocaine and heroin, Alcohol- recap units, effects on the body and wider impact on sexual health and relationships, Alcohol and advertising - Resisting the pressure to drink, Alcohol and first aid- practising the Recovery Position, basic first aid for minor or common injuries, what is CPR? using defibrillators, promoting positive mental health and finding out about infectious diseases.

Religious Education (RE)

  • Buddhism project- Including: The Life and teachings of Buddha: The Four Noble truths, The 8 Fold Path and Karma, life of Buddhist monks, temples and shrines, Buddhist festivals and key celebrations.
  • Moral Issues- Including: - Identification and discussion of current moral issues, factors to consider when trying to decide who to save in an emergency/natural disaster, media collection of how religion is effecting events around the world and what is genocide?

Assessment arrangements

A formally assessed piece of work is marked on the 1-9 grade scale at the end of most topics. Students are given summative and formative feedback. For certain topics however, a formal assessment is not appropriate. Here an alternative way of measuring progress will be used- for example a quiz or other written/verbal knowledge check. In addition, regular self-review, peer review and informal feedback from teachers occurs.

Contact for further information - Mrs Sarah Bell