Christian Head, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria, CA17 4HA

017683 71693

Kirkby Stephen Grammar School

A Co-operative Academy

Vision and Aims

Our Vision

  • Kirkby Stephen Grammar School is a learning community committed to success for all.

Our Academy Aims

  • To promote lifelong learning
  • To promote an inclusive ethos in which everyone can develop and be successful
  • To encourage everyone to improve standards of academic progress
  • To develop self-discipline and positive social behaviour to enable students to become effective citizens in society
  • To provide a wide and exciting range of enrichment activities beyond the classroom
  • To provide high quality learning opportunities and higher standards through sharing specialist facilities and resources with partner schools and developing and disseminating good practice
  • To work with the Eden Valley Sports Partnership to develop high quality PE, School Games and competition
  • To provide high quality learning opportunities for members of the wider community
  • To develop partnerships with local businesses and providers.
  • To plan for all pupils to stay on in training, apprenticeships or education to the age of 18
  • To cater for the needs of Gifted and Talented pupils.
  • To work effectively with our partner schools for mutual support and benefits

Our Co-operative Academy Values

  • The Trust exists for the advancement of education in the Upper Eden Valley


  • In co-operatives, people help each other whilst helping themselves by working together for mutual benefit


  • Individuals within co-operatives act responsibly and play a full part in the organisation


  • A co-operative will be structured so that members have control over the organisation—one member, one vote


  • Each member will have equal rights and benefits


  • Members will be treated justly and fairly


  • Members will support each other and other co-operatives.

Ethical Values

In the tradition of their founders, co-operative members believe in the ethical values of:

  • Honesty
  • Openness
  • Social Responsibility
  • Caring for Others